The Pune Football League is an organized competition overseen by the Poona District Football Association in Pune District of Maharashtra. It follows a ladder-based structure and includes four divisions with over 100 teams. The league encompasses teams from various locations across Pune District, the city of Pune, spanning from Pimpri-Chinchwad to Hadapsar.
The top-level divisions, namely the PFL Super and First Divisions, operate with a professional or semi-professional setup. These teams typically practice around three times a week, and players receive a monthly stipend as per prior agreement. In the lower divisions, players receive match fees per game, typically ranging between 50 and 300 rupees, along with conveyance allowances. However, certain low-budget teams may not provide any monetary benefits. Practices for these teams usually occur once a week, on average.
Most teams lack additional support staff such as physiotherapists or nutritionists, with the coach managing the team's financial matters and overseeing other aspects of the team.
During the pre-season phase, clubs conduct trials, and the final roster of twenty-two players is registered with the Mumbai District Football Association. It is prohibited for a player to represent two teams in the same calendar year.
The initial round-robin phase of the league typically lasts for three months, and the top-performing teams proceed to a month-long post-season phase to determine the champions and promoted teams.