The Irani Cup is a prestigious first-class cricket tournament in India, traditionally held annually to commemorate the contribution of the late Z.R. Irani to Indian cricket. Established in 1959-60, the tournament features a contest between the Ranji Trophy champions and a Rest of India team, showcasing the best talent in Indian domestic cricket.
Typically played in a five-day format, the Irani Cup serves as a platform for players to demonstrate their skills and vie for national selection. The tournament not only highlights the depth of talent in Indian cricket but also provides an opportunity for emerging players to shine alongside seasoned veterans.
The Irani Cup has a rich history and has seen many legendary cricketers grace the field, making it a significant event in the Indian cricket calendar. With its competitive spirit and high stakes, the tournament continues to be a vital part of the domestic cricket landscape, contributing to the development of the sport in the country.